
Displayed 1 - 10 patterns, from 44
Name Rating: Keywords: Problem: Pattern Goal:
The noise and mouth coverage monitoring No votes yet

masks wearing monitoring, infection spread minimization, Covid-19

At workplaces, the higher risk of Covid-19 transmission is related to the direct contacts of employees and the use of shared premises (catering, etc.). Personal safety measures can minimize infection spread (for example masks). Frequently personal safety measures are not applied and employees have limited control opportunities of working conditions and behavior of employees (compliance with restrictions).

The goal of the capability is to ensure employees personal safety to minimize Covid-19 and other infection spread in office premises.

Local level virus concentration monitoring No votes yet

virus concentration, wastewaters, early warning signals

Late identification of infection at workplaces. In more than a half (~ 59% of the total number of cases worldwide) cases, infection has spread from presymptomatic or asymptomatic circulators of infection. Data-based early warnings are essential for faster limiting the spread of infection.

The goal of the capability is to detect infected employees as early as possible.

Qualitative air provision 5/5

air quality, CO2, humidity

The infection spread risk in the workplace is high, if premises are not ventilated and humified when air quality parameters are low. 

The goal of the capability is to provide good air quality to avoid of viruses spread among employees.

Personal safety assurance in the workspace No votes yet

Personal safety, Covid-19 risk mitigation, Safe work environment

Covid-19 virus transmission is particularly active in closed spaces with high human density and insufficient ventilation. At workplaces, the higher risk of Covid-19 transmission is related to the direct contacts of employees and the use of shared premises (catering, etc.). Limited control opportunities of working conditions and behavior of employees (compliance with restrictions).

To increase personal safety level in the workplace and other public places.

Early infection warning signals detection in the workplace No votes yet

Early warning signals, Wastewater based epidemiology, Covid-19 infection, Safe work environment

Late identification of infection at workplaces. In more than a half (~ 59% of the total number of cases worldwide) cases, infection has spread from presymptomatic or asymptomatic circulators of infection. Data-based early warnings are essential for faster limiting the spread of infection.

The goal of the capability is to detect infected employees as early as possible.

Environmental safety provision in the workplace No votes yet

Covid-19 risk mitigation, Safe work environment, Environmental safety

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused different kinds of challenges for companies. Being affected by Covid-19, enterprises had to substantially modify their operation patterns in order to avoid supply chain breaks, adapt services to customer demand, as well as to mitigate work safety risks and their negative effects on the health of employees and the general public.

The World Health Organization highlights the importance of the safe work environment. A safe work environment is a critical factor in limiting the spread of infection. The safe work environment is particularly important for enterprises that due to their specific nature cannot provide full or partial remote work; it is a prerequisite for maintaining their business and jobs to mitigate the economic downturn at the national and global level in the event of a pandemic.

To minimize Covid-19 and other infection spread in on-site office premises.

TMP2 No votes yet

JSON test

JSON test

Video anonymization No votes yet



Road Conditions Monitoring No votes yet

Identify ice on the road


Ambient conditions control 5/5
  • Retail
  • IoT
  • Social distancing

Customer behavior in stores is affected by ambient conditions, which could increase sales and crowding.
